Social Emotional Learning Supports
Mental Health Supports
“Whole Child” Professional Learning
Customize learning for your team around SEL and the Whole Child Approach. Whether it is an introduction, or in-depth learning and planning, we can support schools working to implement a system and structure around the Whole Child. When students are healthy, safe, supported, engaged, and challenged, they are able to learn to the best of their ability
Setting up/Evaluating your Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) System
Customize professional learning for your team on PBIS and the components that make it successful. We can support you in the review of current practices or starting the work in your school or district. Components include: Developing a behavior matrix/school-wide expectations Behavior referral form Behavior flow chart Lesson plans for teaching expectations Lesson plan schedule School-wide recognition system Behavior data collection and review Tiered interventions
Classroom-wide PBIS Strategies
Build a foundational understanding of strategies that will help staff build positive relationships and systems of management within school settings. Each session may focus on 2-3 different strategies, depending on time and need.
Behavior Data Collection/Reviews and Behavior Management Strategies
We can customize behavior data reviews through SWIS or support you in creating a system in Skyward. Through SWIS, (School-Wide Information System), school staff enters office discipline referrals online. The data is summarized to provide information about individual students, groups of students, or the entire student body over any time period and allows teams to review school-wide referral patterns to make improvements in the school climate and culture. We can provide Swift at SWIS training to introduce school-wide or individual staff to the purpose, features, benefits, and procedures related to implementing SWIS and build fluency using the SWIS application.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
ACEs harm children’s developing brains and lead to changing how they respond to stress and damaging their immune systems so profoundly that the effects show up decades later. ACEs cause much of our burden of chronic disease, most mental illness, and are at the root of most violence. Working together, we can help create schools, neighborhoods, communities, and a world in which every child can thrive. Contact us to plan a session to support your district or school.
Mental Health Screening Implementation
Screening is crucial to identifying students who are at-risk due to their social-emotional needs. Just as students are screened for physical health issues during school physicals, they should also be screened for any behavioral/mental health “red flags.” Screening data provides the means to deliver proper support to students in need.
Restorative Practices
We can customize professional learning for your staff or school leadership team on Restorative Practices. Restorative practices are processes that emphasize the importance of establishing routines and expectations for positive student behavior and using approaches that strengthen relationships, create a respectful environment, and proactively build a community to prevent problems from arising. When problems do occur, the restorative practices approach helps to restore relationships and repair the harm caused to the school community. We can support you in the review of your current practices and implementation or with the development of Restorative Practices in your school.
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