Special Education Learning Supports


Training on each area of the IEP can be supplied in 2 hour sessions, customized to specific questions and needs of districts. Training Areas include the following:

  • Present Level of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
  • Goals and Objective
  • Supplemental Aids and Services
  • Secondary Transition Planning
  • Educational Benefit Review


Training related to purposefully implementing individualized plans are available for teams to schedule. Trainings range in time, but can be customized for needs. These sessions include areas, such as:

  • Overview of Co-teaching Competencies
  • Building a School Schedule with Individuals in Mind
  • Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Planning (BIP)


Training specific to engaging general education counter-parts in learning and understanding of special education and disability laws and procedures, including process related to behavior intervention

  • Introduction to Special Education and Eligibility (Myths and Facts)
  • Accommodation Logging Processes and Procedures 
  • Classroom PBIS Strategies
  • Basics of a Positive Behavior Intervention Plan


Supporting the Implementation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) within the Classroom

As the use of high tech Assistive and Augmentative Communication continues to grow it is important to understand how to effectively support the learning communicator. This training is designed for teachers, paraprofessionals and itinerants to review the basics of the LAMP Words for Life software and other AAC software systems, approach, basic implementation strategies and tools/resources to incorporate the use of the device into the classroom setting. (2 hours)

Assistive Technology to Support the Least Restrictive Environment

Training for local district staff and itinerants on consideration and utilizing assistive technology for students with 504s or IEPs to assist with supporting access to core instruction. (1 hour)

Apps and Extensions for Creating Accessibility

Training for local district staff and itinerants on apps, tools and extensions for creating accessibility to support struggling students in reading, writing, math, communication, executive functioning and more. (1 hour) 49


Educational Supports and Strategies: This module provides participants with a foundation of educational strategies that build upon the strengths of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and lead to successful learning. Participants are provided an opportunity to experience ASD through sensitivity awareness activities which lead to a better understanding of the learning challenges for these students. Participants learn to provide curricular accommodations and modifications so students with ASD can access an appropriate grade level curriculum.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports for ASD

When educators implement positive, proactive, and evidence-based practices within a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework, all students, including students with disabilities, benefit. In this module, high-yield classroom strategies to increase engagement for all students will be discussed, as well as universal support and evidence-based interventions and practices for students with ASD.

For More Information

Jennifer Ayers
Special Education
Assistant Director of Special Education