Science Support
Our Science/Instructional Technology Coach supports local district teachers, coaches, and administrators to create and implement sustainable and impactful systems of embedded technology and implementation of best practices in STEM and science instruction to support teaching and learning. Scroll down to learn more!
Science Support
We Serve
- Classroom teachers (individual and group coaching)
- Principals
- District administrators
- Leadership teams
- Support staff
- Entire school or district
We Provide
- Instructional Support
- Evidence-based professional learning
- Assistance in analyzing assessment data
- Facilitation of grade level/department meetings
- Content Expertise
- One-one consulting (curriculum adoption & implementation, scheduling, child study, intervention programs & practices)
- Coordination of events, activities, or collaboration
- Illuminate Support
- Customized services that can be adapted to meet the needs of each building team, school, or district
We can customize a variety of professional development and support options for administrators, teachers, support staff, and more!
For more information