Postsecondary Preparation

Our goal is to increase the number of students and adults who obtain a postsecondary credential leading to a viable career. Postsecondary credentials include any training after high school such as a degree, skilled trade, certificate or apprenticeship. This department consists of career navigation, early middle college, and the Bay-Arenac Career and College Access Network.

Postsecondary Preparation

With the changes to Michigan law in 2018, Bay-Arenac ISD began working in collaboration with curriculum leaders from local districts to address the requirements reflected in the guidance of the Michigan Career Development Model. The result of this collaboration was a variety of initiatives to include hiring two Career Navigators after being awarded a Marshall Plan Grant, providing Xello (an online career planning tool) to all local districts, and starting the BAISD EDGE Early Middle College as a consortium with local districts. The latest initiative is the launch of the Bay-Arenac Career & College Access Network. This is being done with the support of the Bay Area Community Foundation and the Michigan College Access Network.


Connecting Today’s Businesses with Tomorrow’s Talent.

Xello Flyer page 1 Xello Flyer page 2

 Xello Flyer

Business Request for Partners

BAISD Postsecondary is requesting businesses to partner with us as we provide essential career information to our students. As we use Xello as a tool to help students build self-knowledge, explore postsecondary options, explore potential careers and develop plans for their future. As a business partner, you will join the Xello network and have the opportunity to connect directly with educators and students by creating a profile, sharing your expertise, and/or offering work-based learning experiences (virtual or in-person).

QR Code for business request for partners

Contact Us

Erika Rupert
Administrative Assistant
Renee Aumock
Career Navigator
Michelle Zielinski-Elliott
Career Navigator
Anne Kostus
Early Middle College Coordinator

(989) 667-3247