Navigating the college search process can be difficult for students and parents. Below are a few helpful resources that may help you as students or parents navigate the ever changing college landscape.

College Navigator

This federal website contains more data on the nation’s colleges and universities than any place else on the Internet. Using the College Navigator’s school search engine, you can scour the country for schools based on your criteria, which is handy if you aren’t sure where to hunt for schools beyond the obvious name brands and your own state institutions.

College Results Online 

Families assume that their children will graduate from college in four years, but that’s sadly not true for most. This great website provides four, five, and six-year graduation rates of schools across the country. 


This website is an online matchmakers that have borrowed features from Facebook that should appeal to teenagers. A student can create a profile that goes well beyond test scores and grade-point averages that they can share with schools. Using this site is a great way to discover intriguing schools that you didn’t know exist. 


Wondering what you can do with a degree in biology or dance? College Majors 101 offers lots of information about what you can do with dozens of majors, as well as what you can expect academically if you pursue these majors.


Combines academic knowledge with years of practical experience to help job seekers navigate the challenges of resumes, interviews, and career growth. Through the Novorésumé Career Blog, offers actionable advice to simplify and ace the job search process.

College Board

I am always turning to the College Board when I want to check some quick facts about a particular school. You can easily retrieve the academic profile of a college’s freshman class, financial aid and merit aid stats, available majors, and much more.


This site, which has teamed up with the Wall Street Journal, serves up the unvarnished scoop on schools from the students themselves. You won’t find spin from admission offices here. Unigo urges college students to share their take on their own schools through comments, photos, and videos.

EDU GUIDE for Parents

Founded in 2000, EduGuide is an award-winning nonprofit. We specialize in research and tools that thousands of schools, colleges and organizations have used to guide more than one million people to take measurable steps to success. 


This site allows students that are interested in transferring from a 2 year to a 4 year university tools that make for an easier transition. It also lists college fairs and guest application information. 



  • Michigan Apprentice- The Other 4 year Degree- This site is dedicated to exploring all the apprenticeship opportunities in Michigan.  


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