Early Middle College
Early Middle College Summary
- Students must apply and be coded as Early Middle College students in the fall of their 11th-grade year.
- Attendance, grades, positive behavior, assessment results, and involvement in extracurriculars are considered in the application.
- Students take some college courses, and/or their Career Center program, during the 11th & 12th grades.
- Students take college courses full time in their 13th year (transportation is up to the student).
- The Accuplacer test may determine placement.
- The program must reflect the student's EDP.
- Students can walk with their graduating class (diploma will be held until after their final year is completed).
Early/Middle College Programs Delta College:
Associate Degrees (Planned by the Local District)
- CTE: Residential Construction – Advanced Certificate
- CTE: Residential Construction – AAS (Associate of Applied Science)
- CTE: Automotive Service Technology – Advanced Certificate
- CTE: Automotive Service Technology – AAS
Early/Middle College Programs Davenport University:
- CTE: Computer Information Systems – AAS
- CTE: Networking Technology – AAS
- CTE: Cyber Defense - AAS
*Additional programs will be added as their program plans are developed and approved.
Frequently Asked Questions
Bay- Arenac ISD Early Middle College FAQ
An Early Middle College (EMC) is designed to offer students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and either an associate degree, advance certificate, the Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) technical certificate, or 60 transferable college credits at the same time. These credits may be used toward a four-year degree from a Michigan public or private university, an advance certificate, an associate degree from a Michigan junior college or community college. Over 100 similar programs are already being offered throughout Michigan. BAISD is proud to partner with Delta College and Davenport University to bring this innovative opportunity to Arenac and Bay Counties.
Q: How many college credits can be earned through the BAISD Early Middle College program?
A: The number of credits a student can earn depends on the type of program they’re enrolled in and the goals of each student. Students are expected to earn at least 15, but it is possible to earn up to 60 transferable college credits!
Q: Do I have to be on my high school campus an extra year?
A: No. You will be on a college campus (or virtual campus) the year after your senior year.
Q: What does my senior year look like?
A: Students who are enrolled in a Career Center program will be at the Career Center half the day and taking college classes the other half. Students who take the Associates Degree path, will spend half their day at their high school and the other half taking college classes.
Q: How do I know my student is prepared to enroll with the Early Middle College Program?
A: BAISD Early Middle College students will need to meet minimum eligibility requirements. In addition, all students are required to take the English and Math Guided Self-Placement (GSP) surveys prior to enrolling. School counselors will also have input on a student’s readiness to participate in the program.
Q: Can students in Early Middle College play high school sports?
A: Yes! Students may participate in high school sports through their 12th grade year subject to the same eligibility requirements as all other students and if scheduling permits.
Q: Do BAISD Early Middle College students graduate with their senior class?
A: Students participate in their senior year activities and can walk with their graduating class. However, their diploma is given after their fifth year where they complete one final high school class, meeting the Michigan Merit Curriculum requirement to have a math or math-related class in the final year of high school.
Q: Who pays for tuition, fees and books for the Early Middle College courses?
A: Each local school district covers all tuition, fees, and textbook costs for students enrolled. Students enrolled in EMC can graduate from high school and college debt-free!
Q: Do students follow the local district schedule or the college schedule?
A: Both. Classes at the local high school and Career Center will follow the same schedule and calendar as the rest of the district, while college classes will follow the college schedule and calendar. It is important to note that there will be differences in the start and end dates, as well as some vacation dates.
Q: What about transportation?
A: Families may be responsible for providing transportation. Beginning Fall of 2023, some of the college courses will be offered at the Career Center campus.
Q: Will students have to take night classes?
A: It is likely that students will need to take one or more of their college classes outside the traditional high school day schedule, so families should be prepared for this.
Q: Are the college classes specially tailored for high school students?
A: Early College students will be in regular college classes open to all college students. Discussions, assignments, and research requirements will be at the discretion of the college instructor and may include adult or controversial subjects.
Q: What support is available for high school students as they navigate the world of college?
A: Students in the BAISD Early Middle College cohort will have access to their local high school counselors, college academic advisors, as well as the BAISD EMC staff. Also, there are required orientations to help prepare students to be successful and support them on this journey.
Q: Does the BAISD Early Middle College Program follow the Michigan Merit Curriculum?
A: Yes. Students complete all of the requirements established by each local school district to meet the requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum in order to receive a high school diploma.
Q: How can I learn more?
A: Contact Eric Allshouse, BAISD EDGE Coordinator, at allshousee@baisd.net or (989) 460-9106 Ext. 6280, or speak with your local high school or Career Center counselor.
Parent Guide
Congratulations on being the parent of a college student!
We look forward to helping your child discover his or her future. This will be an exciting and challenging period. Along with being challenging, we want this college experience to be rewarding and enjoyable as well. There are a number of resources available to help make this a successful experience. There will be support from BAISD staff, staff members from your local school district, and staff members of the postsecondary institution. All of us will work together to help your child succeed, and we look forward to sharing this journey with you.
As a parent of a student in the BAISD EDGE program, there are policies, procedures and resources available to you to assist both you and your student. This document is meant to introduce you to some pertinent information. It is not meant to be inclusive of all of the policies and procedures imposed by your student’s high school, the BAISD EDGE program, and/or the postsecondary institution. Your student is strongly encouraged to read the schools’ relevant handbooks prior to beginning the program.
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational needs. They can be found on the college’s website as well as in the policies of the local school district. The BAISD EDGE Early Middle College program will follow all of the appropriate FERPA laws as they pertain to student privacy.
Athletics & Activities
Starting in the fall of 2023, fifth year early middle college students may participate in collegiate athletics if the student has; completed all their high school graduation requirements, exhausted their high school athletic eligibility, and received written approval from the NJCAA, prior to participation in NJCAA athletics. NJCAA student-athletes must be enrolled full-time at the college, which is 12 or more credits, and they are allowed two seasons of intercollegiate eligibility
The local school district will approve the courses and fees it will pay once your student has met with both the student’s local high school counselor and a BAISD EDGE staff after developing an academic plan. Any change in courses during a semester will require the approval of BAISD EDGE staff in conjunction with the local high school counselor. Students that fail or walk away from a course may be held liable for tuition and related fees for said course.
Textbooks, Materials & Supplies
Most of the districts in our BAISD EDGE Early Middle College program will use a reimbursement process for textbooks and required materials for Early Middle College students up to an allocated amount, but not to exceed the state aid allotment. The allocated amount includes tuition, fees, books, and required materials. Students purchase textbooks and required materials at the beginning of a course. If students would like reimbursement, they turn in the receipts along with the textbooks and required materials after the class is successfully completed. Reimbursement only occurs if money remains in the students’ allocated amount not to exceed the state aid allotment, and the student passes the course. No refunds will be given for any damaged or lost textbooks or required materials, or for those textbooks and required materials students wish to keep. The textbooks and required materials will become the property of the school district upon reimbursement.
Please check with your High School Counselor about your district’s policy and any paperwork that needs to be completed for reimbursement or purchase. If this reimbursement or purchase process is not feasible for you due to financial constraints, please speak with your local school district counselor.
Academic Freedom
Freedom of ideas, content, and expression are the foundations of college courses. While a student at BAISD EDGE, or any college/university, students could be exposed to topics and content, some of which may be adult in nature, which could be drastically different from their current world view. We believe this open information format is vital in creating a well-rounded student who will become an informed citizen of the world.
Closing of School
Weather: Students should follow local TV and radio stations for college or high school closures. If your high school is closed, it does NOT mean that the college campus is necessarily closed. It is the student’s responsibility to assure that they are attending school/college classes if it is open.
Conflicting High School Schedule: If your High School is not in session for any reason (teacher in-service, ½ day for conferences, etc.) college courses still run and your student will be expected to be in class. Buses may not run on these days so you may need to find alternate transportation.
College Schedule: College courses will follow the academic calendar from the college. The college follows a different schedule/calendar than that of your high school. Spring break weeks are different, and students are discouraged from missing college courses during the local school district spring break. Your student will need to make arrangements in advance with each instructor if absent.
Classroom Expectations
Attendance requirements are determined by the college course instructor. At the beginning of each course, the instructor will provide students with written attendance requirements as part of the class assignment schedule. Pay close attention to these requirements as they may differ from attendance policies of the local high school, and may differ from instructor to instructor. Early Middle College students are subject to academic and disciplinary standards and policies established by the individual handbooks of their local school district, the BAISD EDGE Early Middle College, as well as the college. Failure to follow attendance and behavior requirements may negatively affect a student’s grade and may result in removal from the BAISD EDGE program.
College instructors will only communicate with your student. Students should check their college email account daily for important messages from their instructors. Consequently, it is the student’s responsibility to consult with the instructor regarding assignments, tests, and grades. As a parent of a student in the BAISD EDGE program, there are some policies, procedures, and resources in place to assist you and your student, but the student will need to advocate for himself/herself as part of the process.
This document is meant to introduce you to these guidelines. It is not meant to be inclusive of all of the policies and procedures imposed by your student’s high school, the BAISD EDGE program, or the postsecondary institution. BAISD EDGE Early Middle College students will be considered enrollees of their high school district and they are subject to laws, policies, and graduation requirements of the individual school district until the completion of their 5th year.
Michigan Transfer Agreement
Questions about the transferability of credits should be made to the potential receiving institution or addressed to the BAISD EDGE staff. Information can also be found on the Michigan Transfer Network website or Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officer's website.