Marketing & Management
Marketing is everywhere! The ability to communicate information about products/services and ideas is necessary to be successful in careers in marketing, management, hospitality, finance and entrepreneurship. Learn about business concepts including leadership, teamwork, ethics and professionalism. Students will also practice workplace technology skills in Microsoft Office, Internet research and social media, participate in cooperative learning projects, promote events and participate in community service and fundraising activities.
- Mixed delivery of content
- Field trips and Guest Speakers
- Ethics discussions
- Professional Communication
- Leadership Development
- Teamwork and Collaboration
- Time Management/Organization
- Earn High School and College Credit
- Participate in DECA, an association of Marketing Students
- Communication Skills (verbal, written, visual)
- Leadership and Teamwork
- Social Intelligence
- Personal Finance
- Economics
- Product/Service Management
- Channel Management
- Pricing Considerations
- Sales/Sales Demonstration
- Customer Service
- Promotion and Social Media
- Entrepreneurship
- Accountant
- Financial Analyst
- General/Operations Manager
- Human Resource Manager
- Insurance Sales
- Loan Officer
- Marketing Manager
- Marketing Specialist
- Medical and Health Services Manager
- Personal Financial Advisor
- Research Analyst
- Sales Manager and Sales Support
- Sales Representative
Articulation and/or Credentials
- Delta College
- Northwood University
- Baker College
- Davenport University
College Pathways:
- Business Administration
- Finance
- Entrepreneurship
- Hospitality
- Human Resources
- Marketing
- Management
- Sports/Entertainment